
NB_IOT Introduction to wireless technology
Source: | Author:pmo7295ce | Published time: 1909 days ago | 5104 Views | Share:
Nb-iot is a hot term in the past two years. Like the Internet of things and big data, IT is hot in the IT industry.Nb-iot, short for Narrow BandInternetof Things, is based on LTE technology (3GPP Release 13) for compatibility with current mobile networks.Now China's three major operators are stepping up deployment of nb-iot networks.

What is the NB - IOT

Nb-iot is a hot term in the past two years. Like the Internet of things and big data, IT is hot in the IT industry.Nb-iot, short for Narrow BandInternetof Things, is based on LTE technology (3GPP Release 13) for compatibility with current mobile networks.Now China's three major operators are stepping up deployment of nb-iot networks.

Nb-iot and mobile communications (2/3/4/5g) distinction and characteristics

1. Wide coverage. Compared with traditional GSM, a base station can provide 10 times the area coverage

An nb-iot base station can cover a range of 10km, and a base station in a small county can cover it.At the same time

Nb-iot is 20dB better than LTE and GPRS base station. It can cover the underground garage, basement, underground pipes and other places where the signal is difficult to reach. It is impossible to make a phone call underground, but nb-iot can still communicate!

2. Mass connection, 200KHz frequency can provide 100,000 connections

The more connections you have, the less base stations you have, and the less money you save!One teacher can teach 200 students at the same time, and another teacher can take 20 students, so that the teacher with 200 students can only hire 5 students under the premise of the same 1000 students, while the teacher with 200 students needs to hire 50 students.

3, low power consumption, using AA battery (no. 5 battery) can work for 10 years, no need to charge

No charge for 10 years!Are you kidding me?My cell phone charges every day!Nb-iot introduces eDRX power saving technology and PSM power saving mode, further reducing power consumption and extending battery life.In the PSM mode, the terminal is still registered in the network, but the signaling is unreachable, so that the terminal stays in deep sleep for a longer time to achieve the purpose of saving electricity.EDRX power saving technology further prolongs the sleep cycle of the terminal in idle mode and reduces unnecessary startup of the receiving unit, which greatly improves the downlink accessibility compared with PSM.

What is a eDRX

DRX(Discontinuous Reception)EDRX is an extended discontinuous receiver.

EDRX /PSM power consumption example

As is shown in the figure, the DRX is discontinuous to receive the signal, most of the time to rest.For example, continuous reception means that a security guard can't leave his post 24 hours a day, and his eyes should stare at the door carefully to see if anything unusual happens.Discontinuous reception means that the security guard only spends ten minutes an hour to watch the door and takes tea breaks at other times.

PSM (Power Saving Mode)A lot of iot terminals most of the time there is nothing to do, reading a table to send a word is finished, finished work can sleep.The device enters a sleep state.

To sum up, the power savings of nb-iot are like a security guard working 50 minutes of tea breaks in an hour, working three hours a day and sleeping the rest of the time.

4. Mobility has been simplified.Unlike our mobile phones, often in the car, high-speed rail, high-speed rail call signal is not good, because the speed is too fast in the mobile phone constantly switching base station, like the relay race, the baton picked up the call is normal, the baton lost, call intermittent or even dropped.

For IOT terminals, most scenarios using nb-iot are static, such as intelligent meter reading, which can reduce the complexity of the protocol and the cost of modules.

5. Half-duplex mode

That's what I'm talking about. You have to listen. You must not interrupt!And vice versa.

NB - lack of IOT

Deployment frequency is authorized and must be deployed by the operator!Want to build one?Not at the moment.It seems to want a one-time investment, after no longer pay the money this way does not work.

2. The cost of the module is still high (compared with the mature GPRS module, the wifi module), which should be reduced gradually with the increase of usage.

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