
5G is coming!What can it do that 4G can't?
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Domestic research has begun on 6G, and the consensus is based on artificial intelligence.
It is an inevitable trend of communication technology and network technology to move towards intelligence. The network architecture of 6G must be to meet the deeper intelligent communication needs of human beings.

5G is coming!It's very imaginative.

Recently, the reporter collected some of the most interested in 5G topic, interviewed more than 10 industry experts, extract dry goods, with a view to the rapid and accurate understanding of 5G.

So 5G is one G more than 4G, right?

5G is faster and smarter.

It is often said that 5G is a large bandwidth and low delay.A 10G video, 4G download takes 15 minutes, 5G takes 9 seconds;Unmanned brake intelligent control reaction distance, 4G is 1.4 meters, 5G is 2.8 cm.

If 2G, 3G and 4G mobile communication technologies are compared to widening roads to allow more cars to run, 5G will make use of technology to plan roads, realize diversion and improve utilization efficiency while continuing to widen highways.

Such as slicing techniques, datang telecom group chief engineer Wang Yingmin introduction, in a building, someone with a network for remote medical treatment, someone WeChat chat, 5 g network design will automatically get the remote medical treatment faster, more reliable network resources, 5 g can according to different industries, the user demand, automatically classify distribution network.

Another example is the use of edge computing technology. The data need not be sent to the distant cloud, but can be calculated on the edge side, which realizes the shortest distance and shortest time, and pushes the required resources on the network to the user.

Do you want to change your phone with 5G?

The answer is yes.

4G phones can't receive 5G signals, but 5G phones can still receive 4G signals.

Looking forward to the mobile phone in the 5G era, the shape will be more diverse, such as folding screen, curved screen, etc., will become the direction of mobile phone manufacturers to try in a period of time.

Ma hongbing, general manager of the operations and maintenance department of China unicom group, said that 5G mobile phones have high resolution and fast transmission speed, and require more battery capacity.

At present, huawei, xiaomi, samsung and other mobile phone manufacturers have launched 5G mobile phone prototype.The industry is expected, in the second half of this year, the domestic may appear about 5,000 yuan 5G mobile phone, 5G mobile phone large-scale market may be next year.

Is there a 5G network?

Some areas are already covered, and more will have to wait.

Starting from 2018, the three major operators have conducted 5G trials in Beijing, Shanghai, guangzhou, shenzhen, xiongan and other places, and set up small-scale pilot zones.It also sets the stage for commercial trials later this year and next year.

This year's NPC and CPPCC sessions and the CCTV Spring Festival gala have also set up 5G networks.Industry forecasts, many of the city's railway stations, airports, docks and other public places, will first experience 5G.

Huang qingxia, general manager of China tower communication development department, said that 5G network base stations have a high density, and the number of 5G base stations will exceed 4G in the future.

"" in the second half of this year, operators will moderately deploy 5G trial commercial networks from major cities as trial licenses are issued.Commercial trial users are expected to experience 5G networks in the second half of the year or the first half of next year, ma said.

Is 5G expensive?

In the early stage, it is similar to the 4G era. In the long term, it is a trend that the unit price of traffic charges declines.

Industry experts predict that in the early phase of 5G, consumers may not feel much about 5G network services and price changes, because the network coverage is far less than 4G, and because there are not many 5G applications.

"From the technology replacement of 2G, 3G and 4G, it can be seen that the unit price of traffic, as the basis of mobile Internet, is declining, following the law of scale economy, but the unit price reduction needs a process.Cao lei, director of the technology strategy department of China telecom group's science and technology innovation department.

"As 5G networks roll out, traffic consumption will increase with the emergence of 'killer' apps and with changes in consumer habits."Deng wei, deputy director of the institute of wireless and terminal technology at the China academy of mobile communications.

"Every time technology improves, it's a big 'speed up and cost down'.""Said ma hongbing.

How will 5G affect you?

It is often said in the industry that 4G changes lives and 5G changes society.

When 5G comes, ordinary people may be exposed to 4K, 8K live broadcasting, VR, AR games and other games to experience the "full scene" and "immersive" effect.At present, telemedicine, autonomous driving, unmanned aerial vehicles and other operations based on the 5G network have also begun to explore applications.

In the age of 4G, the connection between people has almost been completed, and 5G will realize the connection between people and objects, that is, the connection between homes, offices and objects in cities, and move towards wisdom and intelligence.Under 5G, the number of Internet of things connections per square kilometer can exceed one million.The Internet of everything era will come.

"4G has changed a lot of services, and 5G has great potential to transform industries, especially industrial robotics," he said.Cao lei said.

What happens after 5G?

Domestic research has begun on 6G, and the consensus is based on artificial intelligence.

It is an inevitable trend of communication technology and network technology to move towards intelligence. The network architecture of 6G must be to meet the deeper intelligent communication needs of human beings.

For the future, you need to open your imagination.

For example, a network sensor device at 6G May capture information such as the picture, smell, temperature, humidity and light of an object in real time.

Another example is a research article by zhang ping ping, a professor at the school of information and communication engineering of Beijing university of posts and telecommunications, which proposes that 6G not only contains 5G human, computer and object, but also the fourth element existing in the virtual world.This is a human's artificial intelligence superassistant, which combines objective and subjective decision-making to make recommendations.

In short, the future is not far away.

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